The Macabre Deaths of Addie Hall & Zach Bowen
The Crime
The city of New Orleans has many stories of sordid events. This is one of those stories.
This story is steeped in drugs, trauma, gore, salaciousness and set on the heels of one of the nation’s most catastrophic weather occurrences. Zack Bowen and Addie Hall fell in love during Hurricane Katrina. The French Quarter became their deserted playground but their romance turned ugly when the storm retreated and people began re-enter the city. What happened next could not have been predicted by anyone, even those closest to the couple. Join us as we discuss Hurricane Katrina, PTSD, manic pixie dream girls and what happens when trauma bonding turns murderous.
The Episode
The Real Estate
826 N. Rampart Street | New Orleans, LA
Show Notes and Sources